Inmate Search

Arrests, Warrant, Docket, Mugshot

Houghton, Michigan Police Station Crime Information

There were 6 registered sex offenders living in Houghton as of December, 2023. The ratio of all residents to sex offenders in Houghton is 1,323 to 1. The ratio of registered sex offenders to all residents in this city is considerably lower than the state average. The 2020 crime rate in Houghton was 123, which was 2.1 times lower than the U.S. average. It was higher than in 57.7% U.S. cities. The crime rate in Houghton increased by 35% from 2019 to 2020. In the last 5 years, Houghton has seen an increase in violent crime and a decrease in property crime.

Houghton crime rates are 785 per 100k, which is 61% lower than Michigan
Property Crime
706 crimes per 100k

Violent Crime
78 crimes per 100k

The Houghton Police Department currently employs 9 full time officers and several part time officers. It is the goal of the department to maintain a close partnership with the City Council and citizens of the City in an effort to provide a safe environment.

Chief of Police: John Donnelly

Houghton City Police Department Address:
City Center
616 Shelden Avenue
Houghton, MI 49931

Mugshot Record Request in Houghton, Michigan

The Houghton Police Department provides an FOIA form for individuals who would like to request access to public records. The requester must provide their name, address, and contact information. Information about the incident should contain enough detail so the City can locate the record. Fees for the request depend upon the amount for labor costs, materials, cost to transmit the record, and cost to make copies. Requests can be submitted in-person, through the mail, fax, or emailed. The Houghton Police Department will typically issue a response within 5 business days. The response will either be granted, partially granted (with some information redacted), or completely denied. If denied, an explanation will be provided for the denial, and the requester can appeal the denial. The requester also has the option to appeal an FOIA processing fee that seems too expensive.

County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Houghton, Michigan

To inquire about most wanted fugitives or open warrants in Houghton County, the public may contact the Houghton County Sheriff’s Office directly at:

Houghton County Sheriff’s Office Address:
403 East Houghton Ave
Houghton, MI 49931

Phone: (906) 482-0055

Houghton, Michigan Information

According to 2020 U.S. Census data, the population of Houghton was 8,386. The total area of Houghton is 4.65 square miles. The county seat is Houghton County. The mayor of Houghton is Brian Irizarry.


Inmate Search

Arrests, Warrant, Docket, Mugshot

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