Inmate Search

Arrests, Warrant, Docket, Mugshot

Eaton Rapids, Michigan Police Station Crime Information

There were 54 registered sex offenders living in Eaton Rapids as of December, 2023. The ratio of all residents to sex offenders in Eaton Rapids is 97 to 1. The 2020 crime rate in Eaton Rapids, MI was 255, which was comparable to the U.S. average. It was higher than in 83.1% U.S. cities. The crime rate in Eaton Rapids fell by 13% from 2019 to 2020. In the last 5 years, Eaton Rapids has seen an increase in violent crime and property crime.

Eaton Rapids crime rates are 2,180 per 100k, which is 9% higher than Michigan
Property Crime
1,678 crimes per 100k

Violent Crime
502 crimes per 100k

Accident reports can be obtained online by going to Lexis Nexis and providing the necessary information. Alternatively, individuals may go to the Police Department to obtain a copy of an accident report.

Police Chief: Larry Weeks

Eaton Rapids Police Department Address:
101 Line Street
Eaton Rapids, Michigan 48827

Country: United States
Address 1: 101 Line St
City: Eaton Rapids
State: Michigan
Zip Code: 48827-1166
County: Eaton County
Phone #: 517-663-8118
Fax #: 517-663-1932
Type: Police Departments

Mugshot Record Request in Eaton Rapids, Michigan

The Eaton Rapids Police Department provides an FOIA form for individuals who wish to request access to public records. The form requires individuals to input their name, address, and contact information. Description of the incident must be sufficient enough so that the City can locate the record. Requests can be submitted in-person, through the mail, fax, or emailed. The Eaton Rapids Police Department will issue a response within 5 business days. A fee will be assessed for labor costs, materials, cost to mail the record, and cost of duplication/publication. The nature of the response can vary with some requests being granted, partially denied, or completely denied. If denied, an explanation will be issued for the denial. The Eaton Rapids Police Department offers requesters the ability to appeal their denial.

County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Eaton Rapids, Michigan

To find out information about most wanted fugitives and open warrants in Eaton County, the public may contact the Eaton County Sheriff’s Officer directly:
Eaton County Sheriff’s Office Address
1025 Independence Boulevard
Charlotte, MI 48813
Phone: 517-543-3512

Eaton Rapids, Michigan Information

According to 2020 U.S. Census data, the population of Eaton Rapids was 5,203. The total area of Eaton Rapids is 3.73 square miles. The county seat is Eaton County. The mayor of Eaton Rapids is Pam Colestock.


Inmate Search

Arrests, Warrant, Docket, Mugshot

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