Inmate Search

Arrests, Warrant, Docket, Mugshot

Dearborn, Michigan Police Station Crime Information

There were 93 registered sex offenders living in Dearborn as of December, 2023. The ratio of all residents to sex offenders in Dearborn is 1,017 to 1. The ratio of registered sex offenders to all residents in this city is considerably lower than the state average. The 2020 crime rate in Dearborn was 176, which was 1.4 times smaller than the U.S. average. It was higher than in 70.3% U.S. cities. The crime rate in Dearborn fell by 15% from 2019 to 2020. The number of homicides was 5, which was 1 more than 2019. In the last 5 years, Dearborn violent crime and property crime have decreased.

Dearborn crime rates are 2,202 per 100k, which is 10% higher than Michigan
Property Crime
1,921 crimes per 100k

Violent Crime
282 crimes per 100k

The Dearborn Police Department consists of an Administrative Division, Investigative Division, and a Patrol Division. The Investigative Division provides the following services: Detective Bureau, Auto Theft Unit, Fusion Center, Domestic Violence Unit, Forensic Polygraph Unit, Technical Investigation Unit, Youth Bureau, School Resource Officer (SRO) Program, Substance Abuse Program, and Traffic Safety Bureau. The Administrative Division is responsible for Special Events, and Ordinance; Building and Fleet Management; Information & Technology, License Bureau, FOIA, and Records; and the Office of Training and Development. The Patrol Division is responsible for protecting the community, arresting offenders, and suppressing civil disturbances.

Accident reports can be obtained in-person at the Records Bureau or by calling the Records Bureau at 313-943-2230. Accident reports are also available via the CLEMIS system, which can be accessed at Payment can be made online by using Visa, MasterCard and Discover. Crash reports can be found by using the following information: incident number, driver/owner/passenger date of birth and date of crash incident or driver’s license number, driver’s date of birth and date of crash incident. Results for the crash report will be provided 5 to 7 business days after payment has been processed.

Police Chief: Issa Shahin

Dearborn Police Department Address:
16099 Michigan Ave.
Dearborn, MI 48126

Country: United States
Address 1: 16099 Michigan Ave
City: Dearborn
State: Michigan
Zip Code: 48126-2998
County: Wayne County
Phone #: 313-943-2235
Fax #: 313-943-3057
Type: Police Departments

Mugshot Record Request in Dearborn, Michigan

The Dearborn Police Department provides an FOIA form for individuals who wish to request access to public records. The requester must provide their name, address, and contact information. Details of the incident must be adequate enough so the City can properly find the record. Fees for the request depend upon the amount for labor costs, materials, cost to mail the record, and cost of producing copies. Requests can be submitted in-person, through the mail, fax, or emailed. The Dearborn Police Department will issue a response within 5 business days. The request will either be granted, partially denied, or completely denied. If denied, the FOIA coordinator will issue an explanation for the denial. The requester then has the option to appeal the denial.

County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Dearborn, Michigan

A warrant may be issued for an individual who receives a citation from a law enforcement officer in Dearborn, and fails to properly resolve the matter. An individual may be arrested by any law enforcement officer even if the original reason for contact was unrelated to the warrant. If someone is issued a warrant, they will receive written notice within 14 days. Individuals with an outstanding warrant should contact the courts immediately.

Dearborn, Michigan Information

According to 2020 U.S. Census data, the population of Dearborn was 109,976. The total area of Dearborn is 24.52 square miles. The county seat is Wayne County. The mayor of Dearborn is Abdullah Hammoud.

Phone: 313-943-2300

Inmate Search

Arrests, Warrant, Docket, Mugshot

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