Inmate Search

Arrests, Warrant, Docket, Mugshot

Battle Creek, Michigan Police Station Crime Information

There were 523 registered sex offenders living in Battle Creek as of December 2023. The ratio of all residents to sex offenders in Battle Creek is 99 to 1. The 2020 crime rate in Battle Creek was 377, which was 1.5 times higher than the average U.S. city. It was higher than in 92.9% U.S. cities. The 2020 Battle Creek crime rate fell by 13% compared to 2019. The number of homicides stood at 8 – 3 more than in 2019. In the last 5 years, Battle Creek has seen decreasing violent crime and a decline in property crime.

Battle Creek crime rates are 3,853 per 100k, which is 93% higher than Michigan
Property Crime
2,680 crimes per 100k

Violent Crime
1,174 crimes per 100k

The Patrol Division coordinates uniform personnel, including patrol supervisors and patrol officers. The Emergency Services division prepares and recovers from disasters and emergencies in the city. The Investigative division is responsible for supporting the Patrol division and is trained in investigative techniques and tactical response.

Traffic accident reports can be obtained in a number of ways: Emailing, Faxing 269-966-3636, In person at 34 N. Division Street Battle Creek, MI 49014, via mail for a $10 fee.

Chief of Police: Shannon Bagley

Battle Creek Police Department Address:
34 N Division Street
Battle Creek, MI 49014

Country: United States
Address 1: 20 N Division St.
City: Battle Creek
State: Michigan
Zip Code: 49014-4060
County: Calhoun County
Phone #: 269-966-3375
Fax #: 269-962-0102
Type: Police Departments

Mugshot Record Request in Battle Creek, Michigan

FOIA requests must be submitted in writing and can be sent through the mail, fax, or email. FOIA requests must include Requesting person’s complete name, address, and a valid telephone number or email. Each request must include a description of the records sought with enough detail for the office to locate the records. Requesters will receive a response within 5 business days.

County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Battle Creek, Michigan

Warrants may be issued for individuals who commit a crime, violate a court order, or fail to appear for a court hearing. If someone has a warrant and wishes to turn themselves in, they may contact one of the following:
Friend of the Court –269-969-6500
Circuit Court – 269-969-6518
Judicial Enforcement (Court Collections) – 269-969-6713
District Court – 269-969-6666

Battle Creek, Michigan Information

According to 2020 U.S. Census data, the population of Battle Creek was 52,721. The total area of Battle Creek is 43.74 square miles. The county seat is Calhoun County. The mayor of Battle Creek is Mark Benhke.

Phone: 269-441-7663

Inmate Search

Arrests, Warrant, Docket, Mugshot

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