Inmate Search

Arrests, Warrant, Docket, Mugshot

Auburn Hills, Michigan Police Station Crime Information

There were 34 registered sex offenders living in Auburn Hills as of December 2023. The ratio of all residents to sex offenders in Auburn Hills is 662 to 1, which is lower than the state average. The 2020 crime rate in Auburn Hills was 235, which was about the average for other U.S. cities. It was higher than in 80.7% U.S. cities. The 2020 Auburn Hills crime rate did not change from 2019. In the last 5 years, Auburn Hills has seen increasing violent crime and a decline of property crime.

Auburn Hills crime rates are 2,364 per 100k, which is 18% higher than Michigan
Property Crime
1,990 crimes per 100k

Violent Crime
375 crimes per 100k

The Auburn Hills Police Department consists of an investigative division and an operations division. The mission of the department is to improve safety and quality of life in the community by protecting basic human rights. The department is dedicated to providing honest, truthful services in the interest of treating people with courtesy.

There were 1,311 arrests, 24,203 calls for service, 5,428 traffic stops, and 3,543 traffic citations issued in Auburn Hills in 2022. Each officer averaged 54 arrests, 1,008 calls for service, and 226 traffic stops. There was a total of 5,508 hours spent on officer training in 2022. Crash reports can be purchased on the police department website. The user must provide the following: Incident number, Driver/Owner/Passenger Date of Birth and Date of Crash Incident or Driver’s license number, Driver’s Date of Birth and Date of Crash Incident. The report can be purchased using credit card, and will appear 5 to 7 business days after purchase.

Chief of Police: Ryan Gagnon

Auburn Hills Police Department Address:
1899 North Squirrel Road
Auburn Hills, Michigan 48326

Country: United States
Address 1: 1899 N Squirrel Rd
City: Auburn Hills
State: Michigan
Zip Code: 48326-2749
County: Oakland County
Phone #: 248-364-6850
Fax #: 248-370-9365
Type: Police Departments

Mugshot Record Request in Auburn Hills, Michigan

The Auburn Hills Police Department offers an FOIA request form as well as a payment portal online, Requesters must provide their name, address, and contact information when making an FOIA request. Details of the incident must be specific enough so that the City can locate the record in question. Fees for the request depend upon the amount for labor costs, materials, and cost of duplication.

Inmate Search

Arrests, Warrant, Docket, Mugshot

County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Auburn Hills, Michigan

The Auburn Hills Police Department offers a most wanted page on its website linking to Oakland County Sheriff’s Office Most Wanted, Michigan State Police Most Wanted, and the FBI’s Most Wanted Fugitives. These websites provide information on suspects and fugitives specific to Michigan and the U.S. who are being sought by law enforcement.

Auburn Hills, Michigan Information

According to 2020 U.S. Census data, the population of Auburn Hills was 24,360. The total area of Auburn Hills is 16.68 square miles. The county seat is Oakland County. The mayor of Auburn Hills is Brian Marzolf.

Phone: 248-370-9400

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