Inmate Search

Arrests, Warrant, Docket, Mugshot

Allen Park, Michigan Police Station Crime Information

There were 41 registered sex offenders living in Allen Park, Michigan as of December, 2023. The ratio of Allen Park residents to sex offenders is 664 to 1. The ratio of registered sex offenders to residents in the city of Allen Park is lower than the state average. The 2020 crime rate in Allen Park, MI was 167, which was 1.5 times lower than the U.S. average. It was higher than 68.2% of U.S. cities. The 2019 Allen Park crime rate rose by 13% in 2020. In the last 5 years, Allen Park has seen increasing violent crime and decreasing property crime.

Allen Park crime rates are 1,841 per 100k, which is 8% lower than Michigan
Property Crime
1,580 crimes per 100k

Violent Crime
261 crimes per 100k

The Allen Park Police Department has an animal control division that operates and maintains an animal shelter. The Detective Bureau of the Allen Park Police Department is responsible for conducting follow-up investigations for each arrest made in the city.

Police reports can be obtained 72 hours after an incident has occurred, and the proper fee has been paid. Reports on active investigations are not available. Accident reports can be obtained online at the Allen Police Department’s website by entering the crash number, and paying the necessary fee.

Police Chief: Christopher S. Egan

Allen Park Police Department Address
15915 Southfield Rd
Allen Park, MI 48101-2512

Inmates held at the Allen Park Police Department jail are only held for 72 hours. If they cannot make bond, they are transferred to the Wayne County Jail.

Country: United States
Address 1: 16850 Southfield Rd
City: Allen Park
State: Michigan
Zip Code: 48101-2578
County: Wayne County
Phone #: 313-386-7800
Fax #: 313-386-4158
Type: Police Departments

Mugshot Record Request in Allen Park, Michigan

The city of Allen Park allows citizens to make FOIA requests in order to access government records. The FOIA form requires requesters to input their name, address, and contact information. Specific information must be provided about the record in question so it may be properly located. The cost per record is 1 to 5 pages – $1.00 per page, and
5 pages and up – $20.00 per hour plus $.10 per page. The cost of audio and video duplication is $25.

County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Allen Park, Michigan

Wayne County offers the ability to look up inmates in custody in the county jail. Mugshots are not offered as a part of this service. Information offered in the inmate look up system includes the inmate’s charge, offense date, docket number, and basic information about the inmate.

Allen Park, Michigan Information

According to 2020 U.S. Census data, the population of Allen Park was 28,638. The total area of Allen Park is 7.01 square miles. The county seat is Wayne County. The mayor of the city is Gail Mcleod.

Phone: 313-928-1470

Inmate Search

Arrests, Warrant, Docket, Mugshot

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